Making the Most of Your Time at Home

It’s a very stressful time for a lot of families. As many schools, businesses, and events are closing down for the next several weeks or longer, a lot of folks are finding themselves hunkered down at home. It can feel pretty lonely and overwhelming! But there are so many things you or your loved ones can do right at home to make this uncertain time feel a bit less scary. Here are five ideas to help make the time trapped at home more comfortable.


Get Started in the Garden

Whether it’s rain or sunny days in the forecast, Spring is here, and that means it’s time to PLANT! Getting out in the fresh air is always a good way to relieve a little stress. Not to mention, it’s a great opportunity to get started on that dream garden you’ve always wanted. Early spring is an ideal time to plant or seed all kinds of vegetables, shrubs, herbs, and flowers. The time at home also means that you can lend your new garden a lot of TLC: water, fertilize, pull weeds, or just admire your plants as they start to sprout. Things will be blooming in no time! It’s also a great way to get the kids outdoors, encouraging little hands to help in the garden. They’ll feel as much pride as you will when the hyacinths start to blossom.


Spring Cleaning!

You’ve always talked about clearing out all that clutter in the attic. You’ve been meaning to de-gunk those gutters for ages. Well, there’s no better time! Doing some deep cleaning is a productive way to spend a few hours: now as much as ever. It’s a great opportunity to catch up on those pesky chores around the house, and your place will be squeaky clean to boot. Turning some household chores into games or setting goals and rewards can be a great way to motivate the kids to pitch in, as well.

Have a Movie Night In

Theaters and venues may be closed, but that sure doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a movie night! What’s better than kicking back with some freshly-popped popcorn, dimming the lights, and losing yourself in your favorite show? There are plenty of options for video streaming these days (lots of family-friendly ones, too). Feeling a little lonely during your movie night? Don’t worry! There’s even a browser feature to let you watch in sync with friends or family, so you can let them in on all the fun.


De-Stress (Treat Yourself)

With everything going on, it’s okay to feel a little overwhelmed. In fact, that’s a perfectly good reason to take some time and treat yourself. Spend an hour or two de-stressing and just unwind. Relax with a bath, brew a cup of your favorite tea, grab a good book, light some candles, and play your favorite album–whatever puts you in your happy place! Paint. Journal. Boost your mood by letting in some natural light and fresh air, if you can. After all, your mental wellbeing is just as important as your physical health.


DIY Gym  

Speaking of physical health, why not make your very own fitness regimen: from home! Plan out some exercises for you and your family to do, with or without the gym. There’s a lot of options! For more traditional workouts, get out for a jog, do some living room yoga, or best your old sit up record. Get the kids involved with their favorite tunes, host a dance party, or build a makeshift jungle-gym. It’s not hard to get everybody on their feet and breaking a sweat, and some smiles.


There are lots of other great resources online for keeping you and your family in good health and good spirits while at home. These tips from House Beautiful and USA Today are a good place to start.

Stay healthy, stay safe, and find something to smile about every day.