It’s all too easy to come down with those wintertime blues when the cold days set in and the snows start falling. Cabin fever can strike both parent and child alike. Winter hibernation can sound like a better and better option as the temperatures drop. But it doesn’t have to be this way. After all, isn’t this the season to be jolly? The most wonderful time of the year? There's so much to enjoy and experience when winter comes knocking.
As such, we’ve prepared a list of some of our favorite wintertime and holiday activities that you can do with your family to make the most of the snowy months ahead. So deck those halls, top that tree, and get ready to make this holiday season merry and bright! And before setting out into the cold and slush, be sure to grab your kids rain boots and snow boots to keep your little ones warm and dry.

When the snows fall, it’s high time for this quintessential wintertime activity. Whether your family leans more towards the classic corncob-pipe and button-nose look, or a bit more on the artistic side of snowman creation, it’s a great way to spend a wintry day.

The snowmen are built. The driveway is shoveled. What now? Sometimes, you just have to give in to the inevitable and peg a loved one with a freshly rolled snowball. Start a little mayhem. Go on, it’s fun.

Nothing beats the frigid rush of icy air whipping past your face as you careen down a snowy slope. Head on up to a nearby hill or mountain and let gravity do the rest. There’s always plenty of laughs and smiles when the sleds or inner tube comes out—just make sure to find a safe spot for all the fun!

Gear up with some snowshoes or cross-country skis and set off for a scenic trek. There’s no finer way to get outdoors and enjoy a winter wonderland. Getting started can seem a little daunting, but there are plenty of resources out there to help first-timers.

While plastic trees certainly have their appeal (we’re not one to judge!), spending the day at a christmas tree farm can be a fun experience for the whole family. Hunting for the perfect pine or the most fantastic fir is a great holiday challenge. Not to mention, most tree farms offer plenty of fun just beyond tree-hunting.

Oh, what fun! A time-honored tradition, the holiday sleigh ride is a festive way to enjoy the sights of the season. Many tree farms and holiday fairs offer a chance to enjoy horse-drawn sleigh rides. Finding a reindeer-drawn sleigh ride might be a bit tougher, unfortunately!

You know you’ve always wanted to! Caroling is a fantastic way to help spread holiday cheer, and surprising friends and neighbors with a tune or two will make more than a few memories. Go with friends, family, or find a local group; there’s always an opportunity to get out there and sing!

Most cities hold or host at least some form of Christmas market, holiday village, or craft fair each year. It’s a chance to gawk at gorgeous decorations and to shop awesome handmade gifts. From gourmet, homemade fudge to hand-blown glass ornaments, there’s sure to be something to pique your family’s interest.

From community theaters, to big-budget shows, there are ample opportunities for your family to see a live holiday show. The Nutcracker Ballet and A Christmas Carol are both well worth seeing. Find a theater or venue near you and get transported into the wonders of another world!

With all the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and gift-giving, it can be easy to forget about those who may not have a warm home or a gift to open this season. Celebrate the true meaning of the season by donating to a charity in any way works best for you and your family—whether that’s donating time, money, clothing, toys, or food. Lending a helping hand to those in need can make a world of difference. See how Western Chief is working to make a difference.

No other season can hold a candle to the delicious drinks that winter is know for, and you haven’t fully enjoyed the holidays until you’ve had a sip of your favorite holiday beverage. A warm mug of hot cocoa, a glass of eggnog, or a steaming cup of mulled wine: there’s something for everyone this time of year. Drink up!

It’s a great time to reach out to your friends and neighbors to show a little goodwill towards men. Bake a plate or two of some tasty holiday treats and share them with friends, family, neighbors—anyone! Who’s going to say no to some homemade sweets?

Put your creativity to the test! Building the perfect gingerbread house, complete with frosting shingles and candy cane frames, is a fun way for the whole family to use their imagination and enjoy time together. Or bake a batch of gingerbread men and make them look their very best.

Show off your penmanship by handwriting personalized holiday cards for friends and family. It’s the perfect season to reach out to someone and make their day with a bit of snail mail. What’s more, it’s a great way to reconnect with loved ones you may not get to see much throughout the year.

Sometimes the weather outside gets a little TOO frightful, plain and simple. When that happens to be the case, why not have a night in, cuddled up around a roaring fire? Stay cozy inside with a warm cup of cocoa. Get comfy with blankets, pajamas, and plushy women’s slippers. Then let the winter weather rage on outside, while your clan stays bundled up inside, safe and warm!

Regardless of which team you’re cheering on come game day, it’s a blast to get together with fellow fans and watch the big game. It’s a perfect excuse to enjoy some guilty pleasures, too: bean dip, homemade chili, and oh-so-much more.

It’s never been easier to enjoy music. With so many platforms and services out there, there are a million ways to arrange the ideal holiday song playlist! Whether you’re belting along to some classic Christmas carols, or jamming to a hip-hop holiday album (they exist, we promise), it’s a little thing you and your family can do to get into the holiday spirit.

Snowed in? Time to dust off the old Christmas movie collection! Gather around with your family, pop some popcorn, and grab a few sweets. Then enjoy a few classic holiday movies with the ones you love. Warning: may cause a serious case of nostalgia.