Looking for a special treat for your sweet? Well, we’ve cooked up a cute idea that your little valentines are sure to enjoy!

Valentine’s Day Boots are a creative alternative to the traditional holiday gifts. They’re quick, easy, and the boots are something practical they'll use all year!


Here's what you’ll need:

Crinkled Shredded Paper or Easter Grass (Here’s our selection)

Dove Chocolate Valentine’s Day Hearts

Valentine’s Day Pencils (You can find these at the Dollar Store or Target)

A mini box of chocolates (Find these at any store within a month of Valentines Day!)

Some Western Chief rain boots! (Find them here)


We stuffed the base of the boot with the Easter grass so that all the goodies wouldn't fall to the bottom. Once you've filled it with the grass about three fourths of the way full, arrange the chocolate and gifts on top and...Voila!

Stacy Cail